Jennifer Lacroix:

Jennifer Lacroix:

Professional Service:

TESOL International Association

Intercultural Communication Interest Section (ICIS)

Co-Chair (Elect), (2020-2021)

Member-at-Large, (June 2020-Present)

Speech, Pronunciation, and Listening (SPLIS) Interest Section

Member (2016 – Present)

Standards Professional Council

Voting Member (November 2012-November, 2018)

Boston University

Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 41), Volunteer, Boston University Linguistics Department (November, 2015).

Boston University’s TESOL program (February – April, 2013; June, 2012). Student field observer host.

Boston University’s TESOL program (March, 2011; Fall 2016). Humphrey Fellow Mentor.

Heinle Cengage Learning. Pathways: Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking 3 (2011). Faculty reviewer.